Angel: A New World

angelAs the season winds down, I was expecting the final three episodes to go one of two ways: three action packed pieces, or three slow burns that could be viewed as one long story.  I can say it’s not the action-fest I was hoping for, but it’s not quite the three-parter either.  The problem I have with it is that the flow feels very jarred.  It’s not that we’re not getting a good story but we’re not getting a good story for the start of the final three.  

For instance, does it bother anyone else that the episode ends with the same exact line as the previous one?  “Hi dad!”  Yes, that was a great line when we saw him come out of a portal, backhand a monster, then attack Angel, but it lost something when he walked down a random alley, found a shadow and started talking to his decrepit step-dad.  And is Connor/Stephen capable so blind that he can be repelled by Angel’s appearance (who looks normal most of the time) but not be troubled by his other dad (Holtz) who looks distinctly unwell? 

The episode also didn’t age well in that the slow motion comes off less impressively as we get to see stakes flying out of a gun and into Angel’s shoulder and hand.  Later, as Connor/Stephen leaps atop a bus, the same problem arises: it looks distinctly CGI.  

Having said that, as a midseason episode, I don’t take issue with the story.  Connor’s meeting with Sunny is meaningful and he experiences kindness from a stranger; certainly not something he would be used to in a demon dimension.  When he encounters Tyke, he cuts the man’s ear off, and that blew me away as well.  Talk about no holds barred.  Kudos though: it was in keeping with what we’d expect of the character.  The side plot with Mistress Myrna was also funny if a little anticlimactic.  (I loved when she would just disappear in the blink of an eye, but it still does that silly “camera is what everyone sees” thing.  There’s no way all the people who were looking at her would lose her while she stood right in front of them.  But I still did laugh when she scared Cordy!)  

My overall take on this episode was not positive for reasons other than slow motion and Connor’s inability to detect real evil.  There are two things that really bothered me.  First: Wesley is offered a job by Wolfram and Hart and they try to convince him that hell awaits him otherwise.  I am sure there will be a good twist to come, but the notion of trying to sell us Wesley as a bad guy is like those damned Avengers episodes that try to make us think John Steed is the bad guy.  I realize they can surprise me, but I think it’s being done for the tension and I’m not sold.

Second, and a much bigger thorn in my side, is the dialogue.  Angel has Connor cornered.  (I like the sound of that – say it a few times…)  He asks, can we talk?  Then its that inane repetitive request.  How about say actual words!!  I was particularly mad that Angel never said “Connor, it’s only been a few days since Holtz ran off with you!”  When Connor says “I found a way out”, Angel was obligated to say, “but you’ve had years to figure it out.  I’ve only had days!”  But instead the biggest piece of the puzzle that could potentially sway Connor is left out because we needed the drama.  Cordy said it, “Tell me we don’t live in a soap opera!”   Yeah, that’s why this episode failed me. After a run of really great episodes, this might as well have been a soap!

We didn’t even get the satisfaction of something else coming through the portal that Myrna closed.  Groo is becoming jealous of Angel and I’m very ready to see him depart.  We need Wes back.  Yeah, I suspect this means it is a three-part slow-burn and I’ll just need to be patient.  The best way to be patient in this instance is to start the next episode, and get ready for what comes next… ML

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2 Responses to Angel: A New World

  1. Vala says:

    Connor, before he became Pete Campbell in Mad Men. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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